Victoria Pinball Leagues
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Preplay Sheet: Pinball @ Powerhouse Summer 2022-3

Use this form to help record preplay scores. Preplays are used when you have a planned or unplanned absence from a scheduled league meet. Here are some helpful guidelines for doing preplays...

If you have any questions, please ask a league officer for assistance!

Preplay for Date Player AC/DC Alice Cooper Attack From Mars BacktotheFut Black Knight SOR Bride of Pinbot

Preplay for Date Player Champion Pub Corvette Demolition Man Diner EarthShaker Fire

Preplay for Date Player Fish Tales Flintstones FunHouse Funhouse 2.0 Getaway Ghostbusters

Preplay for Date Player Godzilla Indiana Jones Iron Madien Jackbot Judge Dredd LordoftheRin

Preplay for Date Player Mars God ot War Medieval Madness Moster Bash Piratesofthe Popeye Rescue 911

Preplay for Date Player Shadow Skateball Space Shuttle Star Wars DE StarTrekNext TalesFromthe

Preplay for Date Player Terminator 2 Toy Story 4 White Water Willy Wonka